Anyways this is how my holiday went about..
What have I gained from this holiday, you ask?
- Wednesday: My FST math class thought it'd be a great idea to recreate our wonderful Halloween party and change it up a bit to a Thanksgiving Potluck. I brought cupcakes as usual..(pictures will be posted below).
- Wednesday night/Thursday morning: Started baking for my family's Thanksgiving dinner (this was the only time I could have the oven before the turkey would be cooking). Initially I planned on making 1 apple pie, 1 pumpkin pie, and about maaaaybe a dozen pumpkin spice cupcakes, however; the recipes I had made 2 pumpkin pies and 18 cupcakes! Oh my. Let's just say there was way too much dessert..
- Thursday: Since I had been baking all night/morning I was dead tired! By the time I woke up it had been about 3 pm! Long story short... the house still needed to be cleaned and I still needed to make fondant toppers and frosting for the pumpkin spice cupcakes.
- Thursday night/Friday morning: BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING! Ha. Just kidding. But not really. It's actually a tradition of mine to go every year. I usually go with my family, however; this year I went with my friends, Nickta and Anisha. There really wasn't anything specific that I was looking for but I thought I'd give it a shot and go anyways...I ended up leaving empty handed.
- Friday: Sleep, sleep, and more sleeeeep!
- Friday night/Saturday morning: Random craving for donuts!!!
- Saturday: Sleeeep and my knitting phase has started once again.
- Saturday night/Sunday morning: thought I'd give it a shot to make meringues (I've tried once before and it completely failed..)
- Sunday/Today: Sleeeeeeeep....and now blogging ;)
1. A messed up sleeping schedule
2. Many leftover desserts...actually just many leftovers in general (LOTS of turkey sandwiches..)
3. Knitting needles and yarn all over my house
4. Random cravings late at night/morning
This is not good....I have to go back to school tomorrow! Ah.
Okay enough of me blabbering, it's now picture time!!!!!!! WoOoOoOo.
Cupcakes I made for the FST Thanksgiving Potluck
The apple pie I made for my family (before it was baked)
Cupcakes I made for my family as well. Pretty much the same toppers as the ones for my FST class, except the turkey feathers were made of fondant wrapped on toothpicks (I didn't have enough drying time..)
The night/morning that I had a random craving for donuts.. haha.
Meringues...Brown Sugar Meringues to be exact (; !
At last!!
The scarf I started last year but finally finished!!!
Don't worry, the finished product is a lot longer ;)