Monkey bread that was freshly baked right before I made this post :) |
It's a
new year! Goodbye 2012, hello 2013!
Soo.. I
haven’t made a post since last year! Oopsies! :P Anywho, long story short, I’ve
baked, decorated and knitted a bit since I’ve last posted. Also, in honor of it
being a new year, I have made a goal for myself this year that I will talk more
about in this post! So keep readin’! ;)
Remember the
cupcakes I posted about last time? Let’s just say I made those again a few more
times, however, I did not get a chance to take pictures of them. But as a
reminder of what they looked like, here’s the picture!
Every year,
my friends and I have a tradition of having a Christmas party where we have
some sort of a potluck and gift exchange. This tradition has only lasted for
three years, but somehow my friend, Annalisa and I have gotten each other for
Secret Santa EVERY YEAR! How does this happen? I literally have no idea! Any
who, I decided to give her one of the sweaters that I make along with some
Joe-Joes (basically Trader Joe’s version of Oreos) and some gouda cheese (if
you’ve seen the movie, She’s the Man, you’ll understand ;) )!
Me and Annalisa with our matching sweaters! |
My friends, Nicole, Tiffany, and Anisha wearing "Karess Kreations" headbands that were given to them from their Secret Santas. |
Christmas meant a lot to me. Why? I know it’s probably terrible of me to say,
but I’m sad to say that this is most likely the last Christmas that I will be
able to spend with my dog, Oreo. I know
she’s just a dog and dogs will come and go, but she’s literally been by my side
since I could remember (16 years to be exact!). So to make this year’s
Christmas a little more special, I thought it’d be neat if we both could have
matching sweaters! I also, made sure everyone in my family took a picture with her, cause you never know what'll happen (although, my sister is missing because she was in Big Bear with her boyfriend and his family)! But to be honest, I actually didn’t even start to knit her
sweater until the night before because I was so busy making my friend’s
headbands for both them and whomever they were giving them to.
Isn't she adorable?! Apparently, it's normal for dogs (according to my friends) to sleep under the tree, however, this is the first year she's ever done so. |
For NYE, my
friend, Janny, had a little get together with just a few of us and I brought
cupcakes! I never realized how hard making NYE themed cupcakes would be! Maybe
a goal of mine will be to be more creative for next years NYE cupcakes..? We’ll
And about that goal I was talking about earlier...not really sure why but, my friend Nicole,
decided to give me a calendar full of cupcakes so, I’ve decided that for each
month, I’ll make at least one cupcake of whatever cupcake has been set for each
month! (I did not take these pictures, I took them off from Amazon.com)