These past few days, I have been making myself desserts [chocolate covered strawberries and homemade samoas]. Pathetic, right? The thing is, I randomly get cravings for things, but then when the product is complete, I no longer crave for what I was craving! Help..?!
The first thing I was craving for were chocolate covered strawberries...
I'm pretty embarrassed to admit this, but I think the main reason I was craving for these were because it was the night of Valentine's Day and... well... I didn't have a Valentine and thought I'd give myself a little treat.. :| [Also pictures of chocolate covered strawberries were all over my Instagram and Facebook feed!] |
Off topic - but speaking of Valentine's Day... in my previous
post, I mentioned that I went to a taping of the show, Chelsea Lately. The taping I went to happened to be the Valentine's Day episode! In case any of you missed the episode, it turns out that you can see me from the back! Hahaha
You can see my friend, RV and I in the front, on the right!
Fun fact: the white lace dress and light brown headband I'm wearing was actually hand knitted by me! :) So I guess I can kind of say that my "Kreations" made it onto tv...?! ;)
Okay, now for my last craving [as of now]: Samoas/Caramel DeLites
I actually have made/attempted to make Samoas before. It wasn't the most successful thing ever.. Back when I was a sophomore in high school, my friends, Annalisa, Nicole, and Lindsay thought it'd be a fun idea to make homemade Samoas. To be honest, it wasn't really totally made from scratch though. If my memory is correct, we made the cookie itself from scratch but cheated when it came to the caramel (we simply just bought caramel pieces and melted it). I mean I would say that we also cheated by using chocolate we melted and shredded coconut that we toasted buuuut you can't really make those from scratch...[technically, it's possible but that would be too much..] We also kind of got lazy and just didn't end up making cookies... we ended up making this....
What a beaut, eh? :P |
Now for what I was able to make last night...
Before.... [& yes, the caramel was made from scratch this time!] |
& after!!!! |
I hope it's safe to say that my baking has improved since sophomore year..?