Thursday, February 23, 2012

Em Bish

Little fun fact that I failed to mention for awhile is that I'm finally taking classes for baking! I actually started the class in January.. Overall it's a really fun class! The class is every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-7 pm. It sucks that it's quite a drive for me, but I guess you just gotta do what you gotta do! Lately though, it has been somewhat overwhelming depending on what I have to do during the week. For example, this week was my friend, Emily Bishop's birthday. Her birthday happened to fall on a Wednesday which meant that if I wanted to bake something for her, that I would have to bake on Tuesday night which also meant I wouldn't have the whole day to whip something up. I knew that I would bake for her no matter what.

Emily and I first met each other in 8th grade. We had both P.E and science together. Those were good times. Those were also the days that none of us could drive and would have to walk everywhere or rely on parents to drive us to places. Which brings me to why I thought of making the cake that I made for her. The cake I made her was supposed to replicate a bag of popcorn (like the ones you see in movie theaters). I decided to make this because she absolutely LOVES popcorn. I don't think there's ever been a time that I've been to her house where she didn't have popcorn stocked in her pantry. Now that I think of it, she's also typically always ate or popped popcorn whenever we were at her house!


  1. hehe I stalk your baking blog / you are a star / friends foevs yo !!!

    1. emily!<3
      I didn't think anyone looked at my blog! hahahahah
